Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What time is your service?

A. We meet at 9:30 AM Sunday mornings. We also periodically will have a meal together after the service, cookouts, and special services.

Q. What is the service like and how long is it?

A. We begin with 30 minutes of music which is a mixture of hymns and choruses. After the singing, we move into around 30 minutes of prayer both individually and corporately. Next, we will listen to about a 30-minute expository message from the Scriptures. Then a time of fellowship takes place that is open-ended.

Q. Is there a dress code for the service?

A. No. Some will wear jeans and others will wear suits. We do ask that modesty be considered when choosing what you will wear.

Q. Is Hope Family Fellowship connected to a denomination?

A. No. We fellowship with like-minded believers from many parts of the Kingdom. Please see our Statement of Faith and Vision Statement for specific details regarding what we believe and how we attempt to fulfill those beliefs.

Q. Is Hope Family Fellowship Reformed, Charismatic, or something else?

A. We focus on the centrality of the Scriptures, the Lordship of Jesus Christ, and learning how to walk with one another in love regardless of the theological differences we may embrace. While we have members that come from and embrace the distinctions mentioned, Hope is not officially any of those listed. We focus on the centrality of Christ when it comes to defining who we are theologically. We fully embrace the Scriptures as our standard for belief and behavior, while encouraging those who attend to not divide over debated matters.

Q. Does Hope Family Fellowship offer anything for the youth or children?

A. We are an age-integrated ministry that believes both children and the youth are functioning parts of the church. We do not separate them into categories or focus on them separately. We include them in the services, the singing, and all parts of what we attempt to accomplish as a church body.

Q. Are there ministry opportunities at Hope Family Fellowship?

A. Our ministry model includes encouraging each individual and family to reach out to their neighbors. We believe profitable ministry will arise out of a functioning home, and not simply from the pastoral staff or church programs. As members embrace this personal responsibility to minister outside of the building, others join them who share that desire. Plenty of creative ministry opportunities take place at Hope as they arise out of the members being released into ministry.

Q. Is Hope Family Fellowship Missions Minded?

A. Since the church began in 1993 the goal has been to give away to Missions and Alms (assisting those in financial need) at least 20% of our budget. We have always met this goal and beyond sometimes approaching 30%. We have supported missionaries in China, Africa, and local ministries that help the large immigrant population in Kansas City.

Q. Does Hope Family Fellowship pass the plate?

A. Hope Family Fellowship uses what is called a retiring offering type system. There is an offering box located by the entry door and people are free to give as they obey the Lord in such matters.

Q. Does Hope Family Fellowship carry any debt?

A. Our building is paid for and we are debt free. Since we are not a department-oriented church model, we are able to give away much more to missions and outreach, as well as pay our staff a livable wage.

Q. What is the leadership structure of Hope Family Fellowship?

A. Hope Family Fellowship has a combination of pastors, elders, and men we call advisors that help carry the oversight of the church. Please see our “Elders” paper for a more detailed answer on how we function, as well as visit the Leadership page for additional information. We basically function in a plurality among the men to reach decisions for our church.

Q. Who are the pastors and staff at Hope Family Fellowship?

A. Jeff Klick is the founding pastor, and Arnie Pizzutelli serves as an associate pastor. We also have a part-time worship leader, a maintenance man, and pay a cleaning crew to keep our building in shape.

Q. Who is on the current leadership team?

A. In addition to the two pastors, Curt Roggow, David Robinett, and Brian Sander serve on our team. Please feel free to reach out to any of the excellent men for assistance or to answer any questions you may have.

Q. Are the church finances available for review?

A. We take financial accountability and stewardship very seriously at Hope Family Fellowship. We employ a professional accounting firm to produce our reports and make sure we are up to date with the latest anti-fraud techniques. Our reports are available for review upon request. Please ask any leader and we will provide you with our latest report.

Q. Is there a membership at Hope Family Fellowship?

A. We do not have a paper membership, but one of function. People that desire to join Hope Family Fellowship will give regularly, attend frequently, request to be placed on our email loop and provide a photo of themselves and/or their family. We then open up the restricted areas of the website – the church calendar and directory to all members. Responsibilities also include praying for and with one another as we learn how to walk together in the Kingdom.

We are aware that there will be other questions that you may have, so please feel free to reach out and contact any leader and we will do our best to answer. We have discovered that the best way to see what Hope Family Fellowship is like is to attend and “taste and see!”